Making Common Sense Common Practice
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- Vendor: Butterworth-Heinemann
- Type: Book
Presenting the best practices of the best manufacturing companies in the world, this book presents proven models for achieving world-class performance. Using a fictional company called Beta International, the book illustrates the success and failures of the world's premier manufacturers, illustrating a stable path of growth for almost any manufacturing company.
Through the experience of Beta International, you'll see how to increase uptime, lower costs, increase market share, maximize asset utilization, apply benchmarks and best practices, and improve many other aspects that ultimately raise your company's performance to the level of world-class.
Making Common Sense Common Practice takes a good, hard look at plant design, procurement, parts management, installation and maintenance, training and even offers a chapter on how to implement a computerized maintenance management system. In today's tough competitive markets, Making Common Sense Common Practice greatly enhances your company's chance to succeed - and profit.
Presents the best practices and proven models from the best manufacturing companies from around the world by exploring the successes and failures that have led to a stable path of growth for any company.
Author is a manufacturing management consultant to major manufacturers from all over North and South America to the U.K., Europe, Asia, Russia, and Australia, with over 30 years experience studying and solving management performance.
Author: Ron Moore
Format: Paperback
Pages: 478
Table Of Contents:
Manufacturing and Business Excellence
The Scene
The Players
Aligning the Manufacturing and Marketing Strategies
Becoming the Low-Cost Producer
Application of Increased Capacity
Beta's Beaver Creek Plant—RoNA vs. Uptime
A Model for Becoming the Low-Cost Producer
Steps to Manufacturing Excellence
Measuring Losses from Ideal
Sample Calculation of Batch Plant OEE
Discussion of Sample Measurement
A Special Case—Beta's Dwale Plant
Differences between Batch and Continuous Manufacturers
Lean Manufacturing, Six Sigma, and Focused Factories
Lean Manufacturing
Six Sigma
Focused Factories
Benchmarks, Bottlenecks, and Best Practices
Benchmarking—Finding Benchmarks and Best Performers
Making the Comparison
The Numerator
The Denominator
Bottlenecks—A Dynamic View
Manufacturing Uptime Improvement Model
Additional Reading
Aligning the Marketing and Manufacturing Strategies
Beta's Pracor Division
Market/Product Success Factors
Volume and Market Growth Analysis
Manufacturing Capability for Supporting Marker/Volume Goals
Performance by Plant and by Product Line
The Plan
Revised Pricing Strategy
Plant Performance Requirements
Other Actions Required
The Expected Results
Effect of Product Mix on Manufacturing Performance
Beta's Sparta Plant—Rationalizing Product Mix
Benchmarking Audit
Product Mix
Product Mix Optimization Process
Beta's Leets Division—Rationalizing Customers and Markets
The Results
Plant Design and Capital Project Practices
The Design Process
Design Objectives
Key Questions
Operations and Maintenance Input
Estimating Life-Cycle Costs
Additional Case Histories
Payback Analysis—Too Simple and Too Expensive—Payback Is Hell!
Procurement Practices
A Model for Development or Strategic Alliances— Goose Creek Plant
Pump Reliability Best Practices
Supplier Selection
Process for Improved Specifications for Equipment Reliability—Mossy Bottom Plant
Vibration Standards for Rotating Machinery
Balancing Specifications
Resonance Specifications
Bearing Installation Specifications
Machinery Alignment
Motor Specifications
General Requirements
Raw Material Cost Improvement
Improving Supplier Reliability—A Case Study
Supply Chain Principles—A Strategic Approach
Stores/Parts Management Practices
What Are Stores?
The "Cost" of Stores
What Stores Are Needed—Kind and Quantity
Bill of Material and Catalog
Management Methods
Partnerships with Suppliers
The Store
Work Environment and Practices
Contracting the Stores Function
Key Performance Indicators
Minimizing Stock Levels—A Case Study
Beta's Wheelwright Plane
Spare Parts Criticality Ranking Model
Installation Practices
Follow Existing Standards and Procedures
Verify and Use Appropriate Manufacturer Recommendations
Installation and Commissioning of Rotating Machinery
Flange and Joint Installation
Workshop Support
Use of the Predestruction Authorization
Installation and Srartup Checklists
Commissioning Test Periods
Quick Changeover Principles
Operational Practices
Improving Operating Practices to Reduce Maintenance Costs
Consistency of Process Control
Control Loops
Process Conformance for Operational Excellence
Operator Basic Care
Establishing Operator Care/Ownership
Operator-Owner and Maintainer-Improver Principles
Shift Handover Process
Production Planning
Advanced Process Control Methods
Maintenance Practices
Going from Reactive to Proactive
"Worst Practices"
Best Practices
Beta’s Repair Culture
Maintenance Practices
Preventive Maintenance
Predictive Maintenance
Beta's Current Predictive Maintenance Practices
Beta’s Predictive Maintenance Deployment Plan
Proactive Maintenance
Focused Factories and Maintenance Practices: Centralized vs. Decentralized Maintenance
The Need for Integrating Preventive, Predictive, and Proactive Practices
Life Extension Program
Maintenance Practices and Safety Performance
Optimizing the Preventive Maintenance Process
First Things First
Creating Equipment Histories from "Scratch"
The Model
Step 1—Set up Your Database
Step 2—Determine PM Necessity
Step 3—Analyze Your PMs
Step 4—Optimization
Some Examples
Case Histories
Mechanical Integrity
Implementing a Computerized Maintenance Management System
Case History
Preliminary Authorization and Selection
Selection Criteria
Impediments and Solutions
Pilot Plant Implementation
Total Cost Savings Amounted to Well over $6,000,000
Effective Use of Contractors in a Manufacturing Plant
The Reliability Improvement Program
Consolidating Maintenance Contractors
What Happened?
Current Situation
Lessons Learned
Best Use of Contractors
Contractor Selection
Total Productive and Reliability-Centered Maintenance
Total Productive Maintenance Principles—TPM
Reliability-Centered Maintenance Principles—RCM
Case Study—Applying FMEA/RCM Principles at a Business System Level
Some Additional Benefits
Case Study—Improving Packaging Performance
Business System-Level Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Application of TPM Principles
Clean, Inspect and Restore die Packaging Line
The Result
Implementation of Reliability Processes
Whamadyne's Journey to Manufacturing Excellence
Whamadyne’s Operational Characteristics
Whamadyne's Reliability Improvement Plan
Improvement Opportunities
Unexpected Obstacle
Results—World-Class Performance
Constraints to the Improvement Process
Leadership and Organizational Behavior and Structure
Vision, Reality, Courage, and Ethics
Personal Humility and Professional Resolve
Building Character through Principles
Aligning the Organization
Common Leadership Characteristics
Organizational Issues
Empowerment as a Disabler
An Analogy
Current Teamwork Practices
The Reliability Process— A Better Way
Reliability Improvement Teams
Some Rules
Organizational Structure
Centralized Manufacturing Support Specialists
Virtual Centers of Excellence
Reliability Managers/Engineers
Predictive Maintenance
Centralized vs. Decentralized Organizations
Mission Statements
Communication of Performance Expectations
Implementing Reliability and Manufacturing Excellence in a Union or Nonunion Plant
Managing Change
Articulate a Compelling Reason for Change
Apply Leadership and Management Principles
Communicate Your Strategy and Goals
Facilitate Employee Implementation of the Change Process
Measure the Results: Reward Good Behavior; "Punish" Bad Behavior
Stabilize the Changes/Organization in the New Order
The Strategic Training Plan
Boss as Trainer
Training vs. Learning
Training for Pay
Training in Appropriate Methodologies
How Much Training Is Enough?
Multiskilling and Cross-functional Training
Intellectual Capital
Performance Measurement
Sample Production Measures
Sample Maintenance Measures
Other Corporate Measures
Industry-Specific Measures
Leading and Lagging Indicators
Return on Net Assets or Return on Replacement Value
Plant Age and Reliability
Measure for Weaknesses
Beta's 10-Point Plan
World-Class Manufacturing—
A Review of Several Key Success Factors
Definitions of Key Success Factors
Leadership and Management Practices
Operating and Maintenance Practices
General Findings
Reliability Manager/Engineer Job Description
Make more money in the manufacturing business - but not through cost-cutting and employee layoffs. This book clearly describes how you can turn common sense into common practice to achieve superior manufacturing performance and low-cost production.