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    • The Practical Handbook of Machinery Lubrication - 4th Edition
    • The Practical Handbook of Machinery Lubrication - 4th Edition
      $ 70.00

      Become the lubrication expert in your company. There's a good reason The...

      Become the lubrication expert in your company. There's a good reason The Practical Handbook for Machinery Lubrication is our all-time best-selling book. It's packed with useful, actionable information that you'll put to use right away. It answers the tough questions and is written so that anyone can understand it. Once...

    • How to Plan, Develop and Implement a Lubrication Program
    • How to Plan, Develop and Implement a Lubrication Program
      $ 0.00

      Instructor: Jeremy Wright License: 1 seat x 365 days* Effective lubrication programs...

      Instructor: Jeremy Wright License: 1 seat x 365 days* Effective lubrication programs can drastically reduce downtime and deliver a healthy return on investment. The best programs are well-planned and have a roadmap to achieve the desired goals. This presentation focuses on the four phases of lubrication program development: assessing the...

    • Level 1 Machinery Lubrication Online Training
    • Machinery Lubrication I Online
      $ 1,695.00

      Machinery Lubrication I (ML I) provides the foundational skill set for applying...

      Machinery Lubrication I (ML I) provides the foundational skill set for applying best lubrication practices and lubricant knowledge. Through ML I, students can move away from the “old school” methods of vague, non-specific lubrication procedures and implement an excellent lubrication program in any industrial workplace. ML I students gain much more...

    • Machinery Lubrication Quick Reference Guide
    • Machinery Lubrication Reference Guide
      $ 57.95

      Packed with useful checklists, look-up tables, charts and illustrations, the Machinery Lubrication...

      Packed with useful checklists, look-up tables, charts and illustrations, the Machinery Lubrication Reference Guide is designed to make information easily accessible where you need it – in the field, on your desk, or in your pocket. Use it as a handy on-the-job reference or as a study aid for Level...

    • Oil Analysis Basics - Second Edition
    • Oil Analysis Basics - Second Edition
      $ 57.00

      Oil Analysis Basics presents the fundamentals of oil analysis for machinery condition...

      Oil Analysis Basics presents the fundamentals of oil analysis for machinery condition monitoring in an easy to understand format. You will learn everything from how to take a proper oil sample to how to select a test slate for your applications. With more than 90 illustrations, figures and lookup tables,...

    • Wear Particle Atlas
    • Wear Particle Atlas
      $ 89.00

      Wear particle analysis is a powerful technique for non-intrusive examination of the...

      Wear particle analysis is a powerful technique for non-intrusive examination of the oil-wetted parts of a machine. The particles contained in the lubricating oil carry detailed and important information about the condition of the machine. This information may be deduced from particle shape, composition, size distribution, and concentration. The Wear...

    • Daily One-Minute Lubrication Inspections and Field Tests
    • Daily One-Minute Lubrication Inspections and Field Tests
      $ 19.95

      Routine inspection of a machine’s lubrication system is one of the easiest...

      Routine inspection of a machine’s lubrication system is one of the easiest and most productive ways to avoid equipment failure. This book describes many lubrication-related variables that can be quickly and easily monitored in a short timeframe. These inspections will be revealing, and can serve as the foundation of a...

    • MLA I / MLT I Practice Exam
    • MLA I / MLT I Practice Exam
      $ 39.99

      Instructor Education Department License: 1 seat x 30 days* The MLA I...

      Instructor Education Department License: 1 seat x 30 days* The MLA I and MLT I online practice exams are randomly created from a pool of more than 350 purposefully selected and relevant questions. With both a complete 150-question practice exam and a shorter 50-question refresher quiz, this is the perfect...

    • Level 2 Machinery Lubrication Online Training Course
    • Machinery Lubrication II Online
      $ 1,695.00

      Machinery Lubrication II (ML II) covers advanced lubrication topics like lubricant selection,...

      Machinery Lubrication II (ML II) covers advanced lubrication topics like lubricant selection, troubleshooting, predictive maintenance and more. Professionals who already understand the benefits and potential in excellent lubrication practices will greatly benefit from the “big picture” aspect of ML II; gaining the tools to make comprehensive improvements in the workplace...

    • Daily One-Minute Lubrication Inspections and Field Tests (Digital Download)
    • Daily One-Minute Lubrication Inspections and Field Tests (Digital Download)
      $ 16.95

      Routine inspection of a machine’s lubrication system is one of the easiest...

      Routine inspection of a machine’s lubrication system is one of the easiest and most productive ways to avoid equipment failure. This book describes many lubrication-related variables that can be quickly and easily monitored in a short timeframe. These inspections will be revealing, and can serve as the foundation of a...

    • Reliability Skills Training Student Workbooks
    • Reliability Skills Training Student Workbooks
      from   $ 69.00

      Student workbooks serve as a companion guide for Noria's Reliability Skills Training. ...

      Student workbooks serve as a companion guide for Noria's Reliability Skills Training.  The workbooks are developed directly from the video script to help reinforce the information.   Select the video title above and add to cart.

    • Sourcebook for Used Oil Elements
    • Sourcebook for Used Oil Elements
      $ 24.95

      Does Your Oil Analysis Report Reveal... Cr in your hydraulic fluid? Mn...

      Does Your Oil Analysis Report Reveal... Cr in your hydraulic fluid? Mn in your compressor lubricant? Cu in your gear oil? Quit guessing what these elements are and how they got into your oil. The Sourcebook or Used Oil Elements can help you pinpoint the source. Use this reference to...

    • Understanding Oil Analysis: Viscosity and Particle Count
    • Understanding Oil Analysis: Viscosity and Particle Count
      $ 4.00

      Gain a more in-depth understanding of two of the most critical oil...

      Gain a more in-depth understanding of two of the most critical oil analysis tests for industrial machinery. Get practical explanations of how particle count and viscosity are measured and reported on an oil analysis report, and see side-by-side comparisons of common testing methods and how they compare with test results...

    • Level I MLT / MLA Flash Cards
    • Level I MLT / MLA Flash Cards
      $ 89.00

      More than 385 flash cards to use as a study aid for...

      More than 385 flash cards to use as a study aid for preparing for both the ICML Level I MLT and MLA certification exams. Flash cards let you study in small, digestible bits of information and then use repetition to help remember the information. Repetition is one of the most...

    • Lubrication Awareness Online
    • Lubrication Awareness Online
      $ 279.00

      When implementing a lubrication program, it’s important to have as many people...

      When implementing a lubrication program, it’s important to have as many people as possible to understand the basics of lubricants, lubrication and contamination control. Having everyone on the same page is important to the success of a lubrication program. This course provides an overview of how lubricants work and many...

    • Level I MLT / MLA Practice Exam
    • Level I MLT / MLA Practice Exam
      $ 69.00

      Included: Practice Exam This 125 question multiple-choice practice test is a great...

      Included: Practice Exam This 125 question multiple-choice practice test is a great self-assessment tool and helps you prepare for both Level I MLT and MLA ICML certification. The answer key is detached for easy grading. Comprehensive explanations teach you the reasoning behind the correct answers. Licensed for use by one...

    • Twelve Sharp-Shooting Tips for Rapidly Interpreting an Oil Analysis Report
    • Twelve Sharp-Shooting Tips for Rapidly Interpreting an Oil Analysis Report
      $ 4.00

      Interpreting an oil analysis report can be a daunting process when one...

      Interpreting an oil analysis report can be a daunting process when one is faced with tens, perhaps hundreds, of numbers on the page. Yet by breaking this task up into manageable sections, the task can quite effectively be simplified. This paper breaks the diagnosis process up into twelve steps, covering...

    • Aligning Oil Analysis with Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
    • Aligning Oil Analysis with Failure Modes Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
      $ 4.00

      Many companies invest in oil analysis without considering what their ultimate goals...

      Many companies invest in oil analysis without considering what their ultimate goals or objectives really are. This fire, aim, ready approach to oil analysis can result in a serious erosion of the value oil analysis can provide in support of a reliability-driven maintenance process. In this session learn how to...

    • How to Monitor and Save Gearboxes Using Oil Analysis
    • How to Monitor and Save Gearboxes Using Oil Analysis
      $ 4.00

      Time and again, oil analysis has proved to be a useful tool...

      Time and again, oil analysis has proved to be a useful tool in preventing and identifying failures that if left, can lead to expensive replacement of parts, additional maintenance costs and loss of revenue. Current oil analysis practices at most remote wind turbine sights has proven to be useful, but...

    • Filtration Basics
    • Filtration Basics
      $ 4.00

      Too often, engineers believe that a quoted micron rating is the absolute...

      Too often, engineers believe that a quoted micron rating is the absolute size of the filter pores and that all particles greater than this size will be stopped. This is not the case, and this paper addresses the basic concept of filter ratings and the often quoted Beta Performance values....

    • Understanding and Applying Best Maintenance and Reliability Practices
    • Understanding and Applying Best Maintenance and Reliability Practices
      $ 4.00

      How do we define a best practice or excellence in maintenance and...

      How do we define a best practice or excellence in maintenance and reliability? What are the elements of a best practice? What and how are we going to implement best practices in our facilities? What obstacles including cultural issues do we need to overcome to implement them successfully? What metrics...

    • Oil Analysis II Online
    • Oil Analysis II Online
      $ 1,695.00

      Like many companies, you may already be winging your way around oil...

      Like many companies, you may already be winging your way around oil analysis. Perhaps trying to predict failures, or just basing oil drains on your oil analysis report recommendations. Either way, you probably know there’s a lot about oil analysis you haven’t mastered … and you might be wondering what...

    • Machinery Lubrication 2018 Conference Proceedings
    • Machinery Lubrication 2018 Conference Proceedings
      $ 99.00

      If you missed some educational sessions at the inaugural Machinery Lubrication Conference in November...

      If you missed some educational sessions at the inaugural Machinery Lubrication Conference in November 2018 or weren't able to attend, you can still get the conference proceedings through the Noria Learning Portal. It includes the papers and some presentations from nearly every learning session. This gathering of industry experts was chock-full of practical, experience-based...

    • Oil Sampling Procedure Posters
    • Oil Sampling Procedure Posters
      $ 47.00

      The critical first step to successful oil analysis is to pull a...

      The critical first step to successful oil analysis is to pull a representative oil sample using correct and accurate oil sampling tools and techniques. This set of 3 posters visually displays step-by-step oil sampling procedures for in-service lubricants and hydraulics. Each poster includes a list of required equipment necessary to...

    • Machinery Lubrication Engineer Online
    • Machinery Lubrication Engineer Online
      $ 1,995.00

      Solid competency related to lubricants and lubrication is vital to facilities around...

      Solid competency related to lubricants and lubrication is vital to facilities around the world. Go beyond the traditional lubricant and lubrication subjects and undertake a holistic approach toward developing, implementing and managing a world-class lubrication program with the Machinery Lubrication Engineer (MLE)® course. Laser-Focused Lubricant and Lubrication Expertise By connecting...

    • Oil Analysis Reference Guide
    • Oil Analysis Reference Guide
      $ 57.95

      Packed with useful checklists, look-up tables, charts, illustrations and other reference material,...

      Packed with useful checklists, look-up tables, charts, illustrations and other reference material, the Oil Analysis Reference Guide is designed to make critical fluid health information easily accessible wherever you need it – in the field, on your desk, or in your pocket. Use it as a handy on-the-job reference or...

    • How to Improve Your Predictive Maintenance Program or Start One from Scratch
    • How to Improve Your Predictive Maintenance Program or Start One from Scratch
      $ 4.00

      Now you can avoid the costly trial-and-error approach to predictive maintenance. This...

      Now you can avoid the costly trial-and-error approach to predictive maintenance. This paper outlines a proven path to success in PdM. Whether you want to improve your PdM program or start one from scratch, you'll find the facts you can put into practice immediately, such as: Basic Concept of Predictive...

    • Noria Oil Sampling Procedures (Digital Download)
    • Noria Oil Sampling Procedures (Digital Download)
      $ 39.00

      Are your lubrication technicians using documented oil sampling procedures? Here are step-by...

      Are your lubrication technicians using documented oil sampling procedures? Here are step-by step instructions for sampling lube oil and hydraulic fluids correctly. These procedures are designed to: Maximize data density Minimize data disturbance Ensure best practice oil sampling Train your staff to sample oil properly Binder Version Available Format:  PDF...

    • MLE Flash Cards
    • MLE Flash Cards
      $ 89.00

      More than 300 flashcards to use as a study aid for preparing...

      More than 300 flashcards to use as a study aid for preparing for the ICML Machinery Lubrication Engineer (MLE) exam. Flash cards let you study in small, digestible bits of information and then use repetition to help remember the information. Repetition is one of the most effective forms of learning and nothing...

    • Advanced Tools For Hydraulic Contamination Control On Mobile Equipment
    • Advanced Tools For Hydraulic Contamination Control On Mobile Equipment
      $ 4.00

      We often fall victim to the logic that equipment can withstand many...

      We often fall victim to the logic that equipment can withstand many hours of operation in the hardest environments without the need for extraordinary maintenance. The reality is that machines cannot survive without dedicated attention to contaminants, which can be introduced through many forms (repairs, humidity, hose failures, attachments, wrong...

    • Wear Debris Analysis
    • Wear Debris Analysis
      $ 89.95

      With over 70 illustrations, figures and tables, this book is a very...

      With over 70 illustrations, figures and tables, this book is a very inclusive reference. It gives a practical look at wear debris and wear particle analysis in many forms.   Author: Brian J. Roylance and Trevor M. Hunt Format: Hardback Pages: 127 Excerpt: Trend Analysis "Trend Analysis is the process...

    • Condition Based Maintenance and Fluid Analysis
    • Condition Based Maintenance and Fluid Analysis
      $ 4.00

      Conditioned-based maintenance (CBM) provides you with the tools necessary to squeeze every...

      Conditioned-based maintenance (CBM) provides you with the tools necessary to squeeze every possible hour out of your machinery. It saves you money by matching service intervals to the working environment and real-time machine health. CBM is unique because it involves maintenance that is predictive as well as preventative. Fluid analysis...

    • 10 Elements Essential in Developing a Comprehensive Maintenance Training Program
    • 10 Elements Essential in Developing a Comprehensive Maintenance Training Program
      $ 4.00

      In the United States, we are losing skilled maintenance crafts at an...

      In the United States, we are losing skilled maintenance crafts at an alarming rate. In order for a plant to obtain reliability goals, the maintenance organization must be capable of maintaining critical plant equipment at a high level. It is therefore necessary to implement a comprehensive and effective maintenance training...

    • "Selling" your Reliability Program; The Seven Customer Rules
    • "Selling" your Reliability Program; The Seven Customer Rules
      $ 4.00

      You want to grow your reliability program, which means more resources ......

      You want to grow your reliability program, which means more resources ... you need to "sell" your program to your manager. The last thing that he wants is to be "sold" on the RCM program (Resource Consuming Monster, as it is sometimes known). However, if you understand what the RULES...

    • 7 Critical Steps to Effectively Optimize Your Maintenance Storeroom
    • 7 Critical Steps to Effectively Optimize Your Maintenance Storeroom
      $ 4.00

      This paper addresses the critical role that the maintenance storeroom plays in...

      This paper addresses the critical role that the maintenance storeroom plays in supporting overall plant equipment reliability. It will cover the top twenty key areas associated with conducting a storeroom optimization project as well as the typical process of implementing storeroom improvements. Author: Doug Hart, Progressive Maintenance TechnologiesSource: Reliability World...

    • Rate Yourself in Maintenance Effectiveness
    • Rate Yourself in Maintenance Effectiveness
      $ 4.00

      Part of developing a plan for improvement is gaining an understanding of...

      Part of developing a plan for improvement is gaining an understanding of where you are in your maintenance process. Most plants don't realize how far behind they are in maintenance effectiveness. This paper reviews a chart of plant and maintenance characteristics and habits. You'll develop a clear understanding on how...

    • Water In Oil Contamination Control
    • Water In Oil Contamination Control
      $ 4.00

      Contamination of hydraulic and lube systems caused by water can lead to...

      Contamination of hydraulic and lube systems caused by water can lead to major problems including corrosion, microbial growth, metal fatigue and accelerated oil aging. To diminish these problems two target water levels are recommended: a minimum level avoids free water, and a more stringent yet realistic level minimizes problems due...

    • Reliable Plant 2018 Digital Conference Proceedings
    • Reliable Plant 2018 Digital Conference Proceedings
      $ 99.00

      If you missed some educational sessions at Reliable Plant 2018 or weren't able...

      If you missed some educational sessions at Reliable Plant 2018 or weren't able to attend, you can still get the conference proceedings through the Noria Learning Portal. It includes the papers and some presentations from nearly every learning session. The real-world case-studies at Reliable Plant 2018 were chock-full of practical, experience-based information...

    • Understanding and Detecting Rolling Element Bearing Faults
    • Understanding and Detecting Rolling Element Bearing Faults
      $ 4.00

      Learn how and why defects on different components of a bearing will...

      Learn how and why defects on different components of a bearing will generate vibrations at frequencies determined by the bearings geometry. Author:  Jim Crowe, Crowe Vibration TechnologiesSource:  Reliability World 2007 Conference ProceedingsPages:  6Figures and Illustrations:  19Format:  PDF - Digital Download

    • How to Select a Motor Oil and Filter for Your Car or Truck
    • How to Select a Motor Oil and Filter for Your Car or Truck
      $ 19.95

      When it comes to changing your oil - where do you get...

      When it comes to changing your oil - where do you get your advice? Friends? Salesmen? Commercials? Before spending any more money on oil changes, synthetic oils, premium filters, engine flushes or oil treatments, learn what leading lubrication expert Jim Fitch recommends.  Don't worry about getting a sales pitch in...

    • Basic Elements of a Comprehensive Root Cause Analysis Program
    • Basic Elements of a Comprehensive Root Cause Analysis Program
      $ 4.00

      A comprehensive Root Cause Analysis program is one piece of an overall...

      A comprehensive Root Cause Analysis program is one piece of an overall reliability effort, and the investigation of problems should be part of everyday work processes. This paper will help you develop investigation processes for both major and minor issues within a company. Working the day-to-day problems effectively, and capturing...

    • Achieving the Target Cleanliness in a Gearbox - A Case Study Presentation
    • Achieving the Target Cleanliness in a Gearbox - A Case Study Presentation
      $ 4.00

      Gearbox applications are challenging when attempting to achieve and maintain an aggressive...

      Gearbox applications are challenging when attempting to achieve and maintain an aggressive level of lubricant cleanliness. A balance must be maintained between what is financially feasible and what is absolutely best for the machine. This paper discusses these challenges and looks at three case studies where tight lubricant cleanliness levels...

    • Contamination Control in Highly Contaminated Environments
    • Contamination Control in Highly Contaminated Environments
      $ 4.00

      The iron, coal, precious metal, and mineral mining industries subject lubrication and...

      The iron, coal, precious metal, and mineral mining industries subject lubrication and hydraulic systems and components to extreme levels of contamination that are rarely seen in other manufacturing environments. Yet, in one case study, an iron ore processing facility was able to reduce the material and labor expenses associated with...

    • Best Practice Mobile Equipment Maintenance through Oil Analysis and Lubrication
    • Best Practice Mobile Equipment Maintenance through Oil Analysis and Lubrication
      $ 4.00

      This paper tells the story of maintenance and reliability challenges and how...

      This paper tells the story of maintenance and reliability challenges and how effective oil analysis and mobile equipment reliability programs were initiated and sustained in a remote mining area of Western Australia. The author spent fourteen months during 2005 and 2006 performing maintenance and reliability improvement work and living in...

    • Fluid Condition Monitoring, Care and Cleanup
    • Fluid Condition Monitoring, Care and Cleanup
      $ 4.00

      In the course of fluid monitoring, it is necessary to know when...

      In the course of fluid monitoring, it is necessary to know when fluid contamination can be repaired, or when a system needs to be flushed. Careful evaluation helps determine if the fluid is salvageable, and if not, it is important to know how much fluid will be needed to flush...

    • Effective Electric Motor Bearing Lubrication
    • Effective Electric Motor Bearing Lubrication
      $ 29.99

      Instructor: Jeremy Wright Course Length: 60 mins License: 1 seat x 365...

      Instructor: Jeremy Wright Course Length: 60 mins License: 1 seat x 365 days* Electric motor bearings are fragile parts that require precise lubrication strategy. Common maintenance mistakes include incorrect lubricant selection, contamination, loss of lubricant and over-greasing. Jeremy Wright describes the best practices for creating an effective motor bearing lubrication...

    • Principles of Maintenance Planning and Scheduling
    • Principles of Maintenance Planning and Scheduling
      $ 4.00

      This paper includes a case study that involves a complete turnaround of...

      This paper includes a case study that involves a complete turnaround of a mechanical maintenance planning department. The resulting organization consisted of crews working down their entire backlogs, freeing up the work force for other tasks including replacing contract labor and assisting other stations. Planning obviously involves more than computer...

    • Online Training: Introduction to Lubrication Fundamentals
    • Online Training: Introduction to Lubrication Fundamentals
      $ 79.00

      Standardizing the basic skills and knowledge of those using and maintaining equipment...

      Standardizing the basic skills and knowledge of those using and maintaining equipment each day is the most crucial element of a world class lubrication program. This course is all about establishing that essential understanding of lubricant functions, properties, applications and proper handling/use for personnel with little or no mechanical background....