Portable Filtration Where You Need It Most: Applications for Remote Equipment

$ 4.00


Portable filtration is an effective method of maintaining oil health in machines that are too small to warrant dedicated filters. While wheeled portable filter units offer a solution, they may also pose a challenge. The weight and size make it difficult to use them at the top of multiple stairways or vertical ladders. This session will demonstrate that a modular system of easily carried components is often a better choice. The use of hydraulic quick connections between components allows the system to be broken down into pieces that are easily carried or hand lined up to those remote locations that you would need a crane or other rigging to get a conventional filter cart to.

Author:  Clyde Hughes, Allied Reliability
Source:  Lubrication Excellence 2007 Conference Proceedings
Pages:  4
Figures and Illustrations:  7
Format:  PDF - Digital Download

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