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    • Asset Care Starter Kit
    • Asset Care Starter Kit
      $ 645.00

      Ready to jump start your lubrication program? The Asset Care Starter Kit includes...

      Ready to jump start your lubrication program? The Asset Care Starter Kit includes Noria's most popular and useful books, online training, posters and more - at a 20% discount. You'll build your knowledge, enhance your library and send a message that lubrication is important to your team. Included: Practical Handbook of Machinery Lubrication...

    • Automotive Lubricants and Testing
    • Automotive Lubricants and Testing
      $ 140.00

      Automotive Lubricants and Testing provides a comprehensive overview of various lubrication aspects...

      Automotive Lubricants and Testing provides a comprehensive overview of various lubrication aspects of a typical powertrain system, including the engine, transmission, driveline, and other components. It also covers lubrication fundamentals and lubricant testing methods that are influenced by lubricant additive formulation and engine hardware changes. This handbook contains 26 chapters...

    • Basics of Fleet Maintenance
    • Basics of Fleet Maintenance
      $ 47.00

      Basics of Fleet Maintenance is designed for anyone who is involved with...

      Basics of Fleet Maintenance is designed for anyone who is involved with operating or maintaining mobile equipment. This book is written in a clear, straight forward style as it identifies important issues for managing Fleet Maintenance in today's environment. In addition to providing strategies and techniques for Fleet Maintenance management,...

    • Best Practices in Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement
    • Best Practices in Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement
      $ 19.95

      Best Practices in Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement reveals how to refocus...

      Best Practices in Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement reveals how to refocus lean/six sigma processes on what author Richard Schonberger—world-renowned process improvement pioneer—calls "the Golden Goals": better quality, quicker response, greater flexibility, and higher value. This manual shows you how it can be done, employing success stories of over 100...

    • Book of Gold - Practical Condition Monitoring Case Studies
    • Book of Gold - Practical Condition Monitoring Case Studies
      $ 115.00

      Our first publication was effectively 20 years of black book notes put...

      Our first publication was effectively 20 years of black book notes put into a VA reference book to assist people learn and written for the tradesman and technicians. The feedback we had from that publication was that people loved the case studies and found them helpful, this was why we...

    • Compressors: How to Achieve High Reliability and Availability
    • Compressors: How to Achieve High Reliability and Availability
      $ 45.50

      Written by experts with more than 100 combined years of industry experience...

      Written by experts with more than 100 combined years of industry experience in machinery failure avoidance, Compressors: How to Achieve High Reliability & Availability offers proven solutions to a pervasive and expensive problem in modern industry - compressor failure. This succinct, on-the-job guide addresses elusive causes of compressor failure and...

    • Daily One-Minute Lubrication Inspections and Field Tests
    • Daily One-Minute Lubrication Inspections and Field Tests
      $ 19.95

      Routine inspection of a machine’s lubrication system is one of the easiest...

      Routine inspection of a machine’s lubrication system is one of the easiest and most productive ways to avoid equipment failure. This book describes many lubrication-related variables that can be quickly and easily monitored in a short timeframe. These inspections will be revealing, and can serve as the foundation of a...

    • Don't Just Fix It, Improve It!
    • Don't Just Fix It, Improve It!
      $ 47.00

      In Don't Just Fix It, Improve It! A Journey to the Precision...

      In Don't Just Fix It, Improve It! A Journey to the Precision Domain you will learn: Strategies and tools for organizational evolution How to stop spending money fixing failures and losing production How defects affect bottom line results How to use the Hero's Journey to build a learning organization Don't...

    • Grease Lubrication in Rolling Bearings
    • Grease Lubrication in Rolling Bearings
      $ 199.00

      The definitive book on the science of grease lubrication for roller and...

      The definitive book on the science of grease lubrication for roller and needle bearings in industrial and vehicle engineering. Grease Lubrication in Rolling Bearings provides an overview of the existing knowledge on the various aspects of grease lubrication (including lubrication systems) and the state of the art models that exist today....